Sunday, February 05, 2006


I forgot to post yesterday!!!! I guess I got caught up in talking to Kento, submitting something to ATH, then planning my podcast.... But that's no excuse.

Yesterday... Saturday! Got up, had some breakfast, then got ready to go to the potluck. The potluck was fun... They had it at a really nice place... It was kind of lodge-ish... I liked it. :p First we listened to some people speak (students...), then we got to eat. Yay! I ate some really good food yesterday.... Just a lot of different things. Really good different things. My favorite was probably the fruit salad.... So good!
After we ate, we played games. Some group games in which my team lost badly. And I had to explain through a language barrier why it was logically impossible for us to untie our human knot (the two circle thing....). Not sure if anyone understood... I was able to manage to point out that we had two circles instead of one though. Then we played Bingo... I got one of their various mystery prizes... Woohoo. A bag (that doesn't really appeal to me at all, but OK). Then we played musical chairs... Twice... I lost the first time and didn't play the second.
After that it was time to go home. We got a ride back (we got a ride there too), and then we got to relax... Relaxing is good. I got online, chatted with Kento, had some dinner, made an episode for the Audio Trash Heap (Kento's podcast... It'll be today's episode), started planning my video podcast (details will come when I get it set up)..... Yeah. A nice relaxing day. I was up late listening to music on the podsafe music network.... There's lots of good stuff on there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Emi
I just came back from the dinner. I ate Chinese food with my friends.
I am now watching Low and Order Criminal Justice.

Love you

Sun Feb 05, 03:08:00 PM GMT+9  

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