Saturday, March 25, 2006

3/23 night post

Less than five days now... Wow.
I got up later today... I think it was 9:00. Had a doughnut and a couple omosubi for breakfast. Then I watched TV for a bit and wrote up that entry I wrote earlier (about yesterday).
At about 11:00 we went to Nao's school. I watched Ako for a little bit there, then Nao came down. There were lots of byes and stuff going on... I guess spring break is starting up.
Then we came back to the house. On the way we picked up some takoyaki. Good takoyaki! :) We had that for lunch, along with some really pretty sushi that someone brought by earlier. Sounds odd to call sushi pretty.... But it was. :p I'll get pictures up.... I will I will I will... Someday.
Then we goofed off a little. Ako brought out a Fisher Price zoo set, and we played with that a bit. It made funny sounds. :p Nao and I had fun with that... The zebra was making seal sounds.
Then Nao and I decided to watch Harry Potter. The second one... Chamber of Secrets. That is such an awesome movie. Even though I can't watch when they go see Aragog.... Too scary!!!!!! We also watched bonus stuff... It was good. :)
We also colored, and stuff like that.... We played around today. It was fun.
We had tonkatsu for dinner.... So good! Tonkatsu is good anywhere anytime.
Then we watched TV.... There's an animal show that's on Thursdays. There were tigers.... Too cute! And lions too. And dolphins, pandas, a chimp.... Oh, they were all so cute! There was one place with an inoshishi, tiger, and labrador in the same cage...... Very cute!
Today was fun. It was just playing around, but that's fun.


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