Monday, January 23, 2006

1/21 post.... ところで ふぐ が すき です。

1/21/2006 10:44 PM-

Another great day! Up early to find that it was SNOWING!!!!! :) In Kanda! We walked to the train station in the snow, then got on our train. On the train for 3 hours (lots of snacks, dozing off, and sudoku), then we got to Kyoto! We took the subway from the train station, and then took a taxi to Kyoto Hotel, where Mekiki (a group my dad is with) was having a meeting thing. We stayed just long enough to introduce ourselves (kind of awkward), then took a taxi to go sight seeing. First we went to the Golden Pavilion, which was really shiny and beautiful. I took several pictures that I will post. I also saw the "ooki ooki" (as I put it), the giant kanji oo (from ooki, pronounced as a long O, not like in book) that they have a fire in (shaped like it) in the summer. Also something I've rolled up in Katamari.... That came to mind several times today.
After going to the Golden Pavilion, we took another taxi to a temple with 1001 statues in it. It was kind of weird for me, since several of them were Buddhist Gods (they were also national treasures....), and since I'm Christian, that was kind of weird. But it's Japanese culture, so that's OK. :p I only have pictures of the outside (I'll post them), since we weren't allowed to take pictures inside. It was actually pretty cool, though I liked the Pavilion more.
After that we dropped by McDonalds for lunch. Like Matthew West says in one of his History Trip entries, it's like an old friend. ;) Feel free to point out that I really don't like McDonalds in America... Because it's true. :p The fries are OK. In America, even. And I like McDonalds here fro some reason. I had a bacon cheeseburger meal, which further enhanced the "old friend" feeling because I got a grape soda with it, which goes back to all those times I got blisters on the fireman pole at the park Kento played soccer at. Good times... :p
Anyway, after that we had to go BACK to the hotel (which was awkward for me since it was all fanciful, and I'm very casual). My dad had to meet with one of the Mekiki people. We had some tea (iced tea for my dad and me... With bendy straws!), and I played Game Boy while the people talked. Then we went to the Kyoto Mekiki office, where my dad met with the main person there. I played Game Boy more. THEN we went to a cafe next door, where my dad met with the head Kyoto Mekiki person and a woman. I ate a piece of chocolate cake and played Game Boy. Lots of Game Boy today. It was OK though. What we did see was pretty awesome. :p
After my dad finished talking to those people, we left to the train station. We had stored a couple bags in a coin locker there, so we went back to get them, then take a train to Osaka.

We got a hotel in Osaka (where I am now... No internet. Darn), then had to leave to go meet some people for dinner. It was the woman my dad had met with earlier and another guy. We went with them and ate "poison fish" (as my dad and I started calling it). Puffer fish! Yes, it is poisonous. You need a license from the Japanese government to serve it. Well, we got to eat it, and it was DELICIOUS!!!!! I got pictures.... I'll post those too. My new phrase is "Tokorode, fugu ga suki desu." Which means "By the way, I like puffer fish!". My old phrase (it was a joke between my dad and me) was "Tokorode, tako ga suki desu." which means "By the way, I like octopus!".
So anyway, we had lots and lots of puffer fish. So good.... And we had some rice too, which was almost like porridge... It was crazy, but tasted like mochi, which I love. Then there was melon and strawberries..... Mmmmm....... So good! All and all it was one of the best meals ever, and it could have killed me. But it was sooooo good!

So now I think I'll change into my pajamas and practice some kanji... Maybe import my pics onto the computer.... See if my snow movies I took on the train turned out at all. I'll post pics later. Actually, if you want to be realistic, I'll post this later too. But that's not the point.


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