Friday, February 10, 2006

Ahh... Worn out!

Sorry I didn't get the pictures posted today.... Tomorrow! And that's final!

So... Today.... Today was a good day. Something about Fridays.... They just feel good!
Up early, of course.... For school. I must have slept well last night, because it wasn't that bad getting up! Then I ate another of those brilliant chocolate pudding croissant things... So good...
So then I finished getting ready for school, and went upstairs to bug Yuutaro and Nanako until they were ready... ;) Something Yuutaro usually gets to do to me! :p
So of course I walked to school with them, then I helped clean the walk again. Then it was upstairs for class. They started with some Japanese and a social studies test, so I worked in my workbook again. Then it was to the music room.... To play the tambourine! I'm having fun with that... :p It's nice and simple, and I don't feel left out. ;)
After music was PE. Dodge ball, basketball, jump rope.... This is a normal PE class... ;) Dodge ball is of course always included.
Then we went back upstairs to the classroom to do math. I did different math, because I guess today's was too complicated to explain in English... ;) So I got to do fractions! Yay! Some ratios too. Fun stuff! Cross multiplication and all that good stuff.
Then it was LUNCH!!!! :) Really good lunch today! Chicken, rice, and alphabet soup.... The soup was upsetting though. ;) It had numbers in it too. 8 is not in the alphabet!!!! Nine isn't either! Or two! Grrr....... It angered me. Not really... But I joked about it a little bit... ;)
Then it was outside for more dodge ball! Of course. We played for a while, then went in to clean. I cleaned the bathroom again... Today we got to pour water all over the floor, add soap, use broom-like things to scrub a bit, then rinse it all down a drain.... And wipe it clean. ;)
After that I helped with the English class again.... today's 4th graders were pretty good. They asked questions for a while, I taught them how to say stuff (pizza toppings, actually... ;)), then they got to "make pizza". Paper, of course.... The point was for them to come and "order" stuff from us... That is, me and the two teachers. We had the toppings, so they had to come ask for what they wanted.
After that it was back to the room to get my stuff, then walk home. :) Play with tamagochis for a while, talk with Kento for a while, eat dinner, get a bath, then bed. Days here are becoming pretty systematic and not incredibly interesting to write about... ;)

Tomorrow we're going to have tonkatsu for lunch! :) Grandma's friend is making it for us. :) And it's a holiday here, so no class in Kimitsu.
I have school on Sunday... It's an open house kind of thing, so we're doing that Sunday and getting Monday off. :)

That's about it from here. I'm exhausted, so I think I'll do some sudoku then turn in for the night.


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