Monday, March 27, 2006

Wheeeee!!! :) continued

I forgot about The 13 Doors. Probably because I hate getting startled, and haunted house things tend to thrive on startling. My dad went first, so he got startled first, so it was OK. Otherwise I would have probably freaked out several times. :p I have a terrible startle reflex. The thing wasn't really scary at all, but those things that startle...
We did that after Wonder Drop.

OK. Where did I leave off? Oh, Linear Gale.
After going on LG, we went into a building called Geopolis. It was then that we decided to have lunch.
In Geopolis was a place called Baseball Cafe. We went to the restaurant part (it was connected), and it was decorated with a lot of baseball stuff (not too surprising). I laughed when I saw that they called themselves an "American Grill". THey had red, white, and blue everywhere. It was kind of funny.
I was feeling very American, so I ordered the hot dog and pretzel meal. My dad got a steak thing. My hot dog had cheese on it, and they gave us true American ketchup... Heinz! :) That was very nice... I miss my Heinz ketchup! My hot dog was rather bratwurst-ish, but it was good. The pretzel had that sweet cream cheese in it which tastes kind of weird, but it was good too. After lunch I had a "frozen strawberry stadium". It was basically a scoop of ice cream surrounded by frozen strawberries with chocolate sauce drizzled on top.
After that we went back into Geopolis and headed to the rides in there. First we went to Zombie Paradise, which I thought was just plain funny. It was one of those things where you get in the cart and it drives you around in some place with scenes around you.... In this case, zombies. The zombies seemed very happy to be there too. Some of them were smiling. I thought that was very funny. It was that dumb sort of supposed-to-be-scary thing. When I was little it would have terrified me, but now I just laugh.
After that we went to "Hyper Illusion". The name, although maybe kind of dumb, sounded fairly promising. Illusions tend to be fun. I was greeted by funny English... :p One would think that in Tokyo there would be SOME translator or proof reader that would know not to say "Have a nice riding!". Oh well. I laughed. Then we went into a room and got into huge chair things. It turns out "Hyper Illusion" was one of those movie things where the seats move, and they're supposed to simulate you in the movie. It may have made more sense if I knew what they were saying... But I didn't, so instead I ended up watching the movements, and realizing they were really not synchronized. I'm still trying to figure out why it said 1966 at the end of the movie...
After that it was time for our last ride.... A little roller coaster called GeoPanic. It was sort of a kiddy coaster, but it had an interesting element to it..... Darkness. There was light at some points, but it was usually twinkling lights on the sides, or things like that that end up kind of disorienting you. It was pretty cool. At one point we went through this tube over that went out over the Geopolis lobby a little bit.... That was pretty cool. The darkness really worked for it. I don't think there was much that would be classified as really scary, but when you can't see it coming, even only a few drops has an effect.
After that we left. I wouldn't have minded staying a little longer, but we were tired and ready to go.

Besides that not much has happened. We're back at my grandma's house now... I've had my last dinner in Japan, and my last bath.... It's funny how just a few days ago I was saying "I'm ready to go home." but now I'm saying "Has it really been 2.5 months?". I will be glad to see everyone at home though. Especially Retnuh.... I can say that, since everyone back home knows that already. ;) At least they should, or they don't know me as well as they should! :p

I'll maybe be getting more pictures up, but I'm not sure. I do know I'll probably still be posting some when I get home.... In less than 24 hours I'll be on the plane.... Wow. Tomorrow I'll be going home.... If you think about it, tomorrow I'll be home. Not in this time zone, but it's Monday in the states, and I arrive noon on Tuesday. It's been a GREAT trip. I'll probably write some little reflection things when I get home too. It's been an amazing trip....


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