Saturday, February 11, 2006


A good day, a bad day. A stressful day, a relaxing day. Why is today full of contradictions? Oh well.... I'll talk it out here....

So I get up today about 9:00.... That was nice. I actually woke up at 5 after a really weird almost nightmare-ish dream, but was able to go back to sleep.
Anyway, I used my computer until about 10:00, then went out to see about getting something to eat. I had half an apple and some cheese crackers.... A light breakfast.
Then I went back to my room to use the computer a bit more.... Checked my e-mail.... Got an e-mail saying My college of ag sciences scholarship application is INCOMPLETE!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!! Transcripts AND SAT scores.... NOT there! No clue how to get the scores sent their way, and transcripts I guess I was right on... I told my mom they were sent to the wrong address! But she said it was OK... Apparently it wasn't. How we're going to get my signature to release a transcript over to WOU and Chemeketa is beyond me. Fax machine here is broken..... So I'm stressed out about that.... Especially because my mom hasn't replied to my e-mail yet! Uuuuuuuuugh....................
Anyway, used the computer for a bit, then my grandma and me were picked up to go to her friend's house for tonkatsu! Gooood tonkatsu! Pictures will come... ;) After lunch we messed around with some image software for a while, then came back home.
I got on my computer again.... My relaxation days revolve around the computer.... Can you tell? Oh yeah, and my tamagochi transformed too... It's an Onionchi now... As you might guess, it looks like an onion.
Some other friend's of Grandma's came over... They're still here. So Grandma's just been talking with them.... I've been talking with Kento and my dad. :p A Skype conference... Good stuff.
That's about it.... I'm freaking out about the scholarship stuff, but it's just after midnight in Oregon, so I guess it'll have to wait.
I haven't put up the zoo pictures yet today, but they should come soon. I will work on that now! I was working on my podcast logo earlier (, so that took up my time... But pictures I'll do now! Really!


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