Sunday, February 19, 2006

More lazy days of sickness

I basically spent the whole day hanging out in my room..... My grandma works on Sundays, so I was on my own most of the day. My aunt made spaghetti for lunch and brought some down for me... Yum! She also told me Nanako is running a fever too.... So I guess there's two of us sickies now. Nothing really interesting happened today... So yeah.

One thing, I guess, I can talk about.... Have I talked about the bath system here? It's pretty cool, and leads into my strange moment of the day.... So here they have pretty awesome bath rooms.... They are actually bath rooms. Or shower rooms.... I sometimes call it that too. Like half the room is this deep bathtub that's pretty awesome... Nice and deep, so you can be almost completely submerged... Then the rest of the room is the shower, with a drain in the floor and all.... I like it... I think it's very clever. The bath is a community bath kind of thing... You don't drain it every time it's used. At first this is a bit strange, but the thing is that you soak in it, then you get out and take a shower... So you get all clean. ;) That and the water gets so hot (nice hot bath!) that it probably kills any microscopic icky stuff.... ;) So it all works out well.
So anyway, my grandma gets the bath all set up tonight... I missed my shower/bath for a couple days because of my fever... So I got it tonight. Here bath salts are not uncommon, so when my grandma said something about citrus fruit, I initially thought she meant some sort of citrus bath salt... I guess the citrus scent is good for my cold thingy, or something.
Later, I go to take my bath.... After watching the English news. I rolled back the cover thing on the bath (to keep it warm), expecting it to be maybe orange or some citrusy color... And it wasn't. So I was a little bit confused. So I got in, and then I noticed something at the end of the bath.... So I reach for it, and see..... Fruit. When she said citrus fruit, she really meant citrus fruit. So I took a bath with fruit... The poor fruit was all squishy and warm.

So that isn't all that interesting, but something about taking a bath with fruit struck me as odd. Maybe it's just me. Oh well. Nothing interesting happened at all, so that's the best I got. Sorry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No picture about fruit bath? Will you take a picture of Japanese bath? How about toilet? Washlet may be good topics and picture.

Mon Feb 20, 01:41:00 AM GMT+9  

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