Today was a pretty good day. A bad thing or two mixed in, but it all averaged out in the end. I think the good prevailed, actually....
Up early again for school. GROAN! That will NEVER be a good thing.... Anyway, up early, got dressed, ate breakfast (yet another croissant/pudding thing), got ready for school, then went upstairs to see if the kids were ready.
We left, and I was happy to find that the wind that had been scaring me the night before (it was SCARY!) had subsided, and it felt like a warm mid/late spring day..... In late winter.
Anyway, got to school and went upstairs to the classroom. No one else was there, so I figured there was somewhere else I should be, but I wasn't sure where.... So I waited for someone to direct me to where everyone was.... Turns out they were outside practicing dodge ball.... I should have known.
First class today was interesting.... It wasn't a class, and it took all morning.... It was the 6th grade basketball tournament!!!!! :) The four 6th grade classes battle it out on the basketball court! Guys against guys, girls against girls.... So really it was like two different tournaments. But anyway, we went down to the gym for that. My class wasn't playing the first game, so we watched the guys..... We were in the second game, though.... Against class 6-3 (we're class 6-4). I was in the third rotation (a new group played each quarter). and was asked to do the jump ball, then go wait by the hoop for someone to pass me the ball, then I would shoot. Worked for me..... Only problem was...... The ball never made it to me. Bummer. Obviously we did NOT win that game.... It was something like 3-18.... We lost.
We weren't in the third game, so I just sat out and watched..... We played the 4th game though, against class 6-2. This game was a BLAST! Third quarter again, jump ball then hoop again. This worked out well this time.... I made THREE baskets! One, two, THREE! :) Two of them were in a row (not really in a row, but the next time I got the ball)! If you know me, you know I'm TERRIBLE at basketball... So I was truly amazed! I mean, sure... I was right by the basket.... But still, for me that's good. People kept saying "Emi-chan wa sugoi!" after that..... It was kind of funny. :) We won that game 27-8. I was SO happy! :)
Fifth game we didn't play..... Back in for the 6th and last game. Same routine as before.... Unfortunately I made no baskets this time. Got the ball so some others could, ran into the wall a time or two, but no baskets. We DID win the game though, so that was good. 16-9, I think the score was..... Against class 6-1.
At that point the tournament was over, so we went outside.... They told us the results.... 6-4 got second in the girls games and 3rd in the guys games..... 6-3 girls won 3/3 games, 6-4 girls had 2/3, 6-1 girls had 1/3, and 6-2 girls finished with a sad 0/3 victories. I'm not sure about the guys.....
Anyway, after that it was apparently time to practice dodge ball. Should I have been surprised? No. Was I? No. So we played dodge ball against another class.... I guess that's our next tournament, so the practicing will probably be relentless now!
After that we went in for lunch.... Yay! I was so hungry at that point..... We had gyoza, rice, and some stuff that I still don't know what it was. Being a huge fan of gyoza, I wanted an extra piece..... So I joined in the rock-paper-scissors game over the last few pieces. I was the number 1 victor, so I got my extra gyoza... Only one, of course, and then they played for the rest... ;) I got some more rice while I was at it, too. I was so hungry..... And it tasted so good!!!!!
After that, you guessed it, dodge ball!!!!! I'll take this opportunity to say that it seems hand injuries are some sort of fashion now.... A result of the dodge ball, I'm sure.... So many people have fingers taped up with gauze.... It's actually kind of funny.
Anyway, dodge ball. We played, and I unfortunately almost got hit in the face.... I blocked it with my hand, but then I hit myself in the face (ball knocked my hand into my face), so I'm not sure how much good it did.... It wasn't too bad though. Just the very side of my face, by my right eye.... Nothing to show for it, thank goodness.
Now, I mentioned above the hand injury "fashion".... I've joined that "fashion", but I'm not cool enough to get hurt in dodge ball.... No, I had to get hurt while WALKING. I wear hiking boots, and my left one needed retying today.... I noticed earlier, but didn't get around to it. It wasn't that the knot was untying, but the laces were getting too loose and were in danger of coming off of those tab things that hiking boots have.... Thus staying tied in a loop, but essentially not really being tied..... I really should have stopped to retie it earlier.... It would have saved me some pain. You see, I was right.... And it DID come off the tab things.... And I stepped through the loop (on my left boot) with my right boot, didn't notice, and fell very ungracefully onto the ground..... Which where I was had gravel and some concrete.... Ouch. I was miraculously spared from injury to the right hand, but the left got some lovely chunks of skin sheared off.... OUCH! So one of the kids brought me to nurses office, she put stuff that REALLY REALLY stung on it, and I was sent on my way.... That stuff that stung I do not like..... It made it hurt for so long....
Anyway, by the time that was taken care of and I went to the area where I clean this week, they were almost done..... And there were no brooms left anyway.... So I took the time to retie my shoe. Then I went upstairs with my teacher to help with the English class.... Fourth graders again. Same as last Friday.... That went well. I got to go home after that, because the last class (Wednesdays are long days) was a test.... So I went home at the normal time. Lucky me! :)
After I got home, not much..... Ate some cheese tart things, talked to Kento, talked to my dad..... My grandma put some gauze on my hand, so that's all taped up now.... It doesn't hurt much anymore, so that makes me happy....
So that was my day. The most fun I think, oddly enough, was the basketball. I had a blast! :) Hoping dodge ball is as fun when that tournament rolls around... ;) That's all for tonight. It's almost midnight and I should head to bed.
Up early again for school. GROAN! That will NEVER be a good thing.... Anyway, up early, got dressed, ate breakfast (yet another croissant/pudding thing), got ready for school, then went upstairs to see if the kids were ready.
We left, and I was happy to find that the wind that had been scaring me the night before (it was SCARY!) had subsided, and it felt like a warm mid/late spring day..... In late winter.
Anyway, got to school and went upstairs to the classroom. No one else was there, so I figured there was somewhere else I should be, but I wasn't sure where.... So I waited for someone to direct me to where everyone was.... Turns out they were outside practicing dodge ball.... I should have known.
First class today was interesting.... It wasn't a class, and it took all morning.... It was the 6th grade basketball tournament!!!!! :) The four 6th grade classes battle it out on the basketball court! Guys against guys, girls against girls.... So really it was like two different tournaments. But anyway, we went down to the gym for that. My class wasn't playing the first game, so we watched the guys..... We were in the second game, though.... Against class 6-3 (we're class 6-4). I was in the third rotation (a new group played each quarter). and was asked to do the jump ball, then go wait by the hoop for someone to pass me the ball, then I would shoot. Worked for me..... Only problem was...... The ball never made it to me. Bummer. Obviously we did NOT win that game.... It was something like 3-18.... We lost.
We weren't in the third game, so I just sat out and watched..... We played the 4th game though, against class 6-2. This game was a BLAST! Third quarter again, jump ball then hoop again. This worked out well this time.... I made THREE baskets! One, two, THREE! :) Two of them were in a row (not really in a row, but the next time I got the ball)! If you know me, you know I'm TERRIBLE at basketball... So I was truly amazed! I mean, sure... I was right by the basket.... But still, for me that's good. People kept saying "Emi-chan wa sugoi!" after that..... It was kind of funny. :) We won that game 27-8. I was SO happy! :)
Fifth game we didn't play..... Back in for the 6th and last game. Same routine as before.... Unfortunately I made no baskets this time. Got the ball so some others could, ran into the wall a time or two, but no baskets. We DID win the game though, so that was good. 16-9, I think the score was..... Against class 6-1.
At that point the tournament was over, so we went outside.... They told us the results.... 6-4 got second in the girls games and 3rd in the guys games..... 6-3 girls won 3/3 games, 6-4 girls had 2/3, 6-1 girls had 1/3, and 6-2 girls finished with a sad 0/3 victories. I'm not sure about the guys.....
Anyway, after that it was apparently time to practice dodge ball. Should I have been surprised? No. Was I? No. So we played dodge ball against another class.... I guess that's our next tournament, so the practicing will probably be relentless now!
After that we went in for lunch.... Yay! I was so hungry at that point..... We had gyoza, rice, and some stuff that I still don't know what it was. Being a huge fan of gyoza, I wanted an extra piece..... So I joined in the rock-paper-scissors game over the last few pieces. I was the number 1 victor, so I got my extra gyoza... Only one, of course, and then they played for the rest... ;) I got some more rice while I was at it, too. I was so hungry..... And it tasted so good!!!!!
After that, you guessed it, dodge ball!!!!! I'll take this opportunity to say that it seems hand injuries are some sort of fashion now.... A result of the dodge ball, I'm sure.... So many people have fingers taped up with gauze.... It's actually kind of funny.
Anyway, dodge ball. We played, and I unfortunately almost got hit in the face.... I blocked it with my hand, but then I hit myself in the face (ball knocked my hand into my face), so I'm not sure how much good it did.... It wasn't too bad though. Just the very side of my face, by my right eye.... Nothing to show for it, thank goodness.
Now, I mentioned above the hand injury "fashion".... I've joined that "fashion", but I'm not cool enough to get hurt in dodge ball.... No, I had to get hurt while WALKING. I wear hiking boots, and my left one needed retying today.... I noticed earlier, but didn't get around to it. It wasn't that the knot was untying, but the laces were getting too loose and were in danger of coming off of those tab things that hiking boots have.... Thus staying tied in a loop, but essentially not really being tied..... I really should have stopped to retie it earlier.... It would have saved me some pain. You see, I was right.... And it DID come off the tab things.... And I stepped through the loop (on my left boot) with my right boot, didn't notice, and fell very ungracefully onto the ground..... Which where I was had gravel and some concrete.... Ouch. I was miraculously spared from injury to the right hand, but the left got some lovely chunks of skin sheared off.... OUCH! So one of the kids brought me to nurses office, she put stuff that REALLY REALLY stung on it, and I was sent on my way.... That stuff that stung I do not like..... It made it hurt for so long....
Anyway, by the time that was taken care of and I went to the area where I clean this week, they were almost done..... And there were no brooms left anyway.... So I took the time to retie my shoe. Then I went upstairs with my teacher to help with the English class.... Fourth graders again. Same as last Friday.... That went well. I got to go home after that, because the last class (Wednesdays are long days) was a test.... So I went home at the normal time. Lucky me! :)
After I got home, not much..... Ate some cheese tart things, talked to Kento, talked to my dad..... My grandma put some gauze on my hand, so that's all taped up now.... It doesn't hurt much anymore, so that makes me happy....
So that was my day. The most fun I think, oddly enough, was the basketball. I had a blast! :) Hoping dodge ball is as fun when that tournament rolls around... ;) That's all for tonight. It's almost midnight and I should head to bed.
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