Monday, February 20, 2006

Today was intersting...

Please excuse any typos I make... I am on my grandma's computer and I'm not a fan of Japanese keyboards. I mean, why is the apostraphey shift+7... Seriously! And + is shift+;???? It's crazy!

I also miss my spell check... You'll be able to tell when I'm off my Mac... Trust me.

Today for the most part was dull. Another sick day at home. Getting better though. A lot better. Crazy demented cold... But it's going away, so I'm glad.
One interesting thing happened though. My battery on my laptop was geting low, so I plugged it in. I don't know if I told you guys this already or not, but lately my AC adapter has had MAJOR issues. It has always overheated pretty bad, and a guy at the Mac Store said I should probably see about getting it replaced. I planned to do so when I go home. Well, sooner is better than later. A couple weeks ago the part that plugs into my computer started severing from the rest of the adapter. Very strange... I'm still not sure what was up with that. It kept getting worse and worse until a couple nights ago I used some electrical tape to tape it up. THe outside white covering was almost completely severed and all that remained was the gray covering inside. So I taped it up really well and thought it would last until I got home.... WRONG! Not long after I plugged it in it started smoking. NOT good. Scared me to death! I unplugged it, removed the tape, and saw that the grey covering had been completely burnt, as well as some of the white part...... My battery was already below 30%, so this was not good news. I immediatley contacted Kento, who talked to me for a bit, then I shut down computer. Did some sudoku and read a bit (in case anyone is wondering, I'm finally starting to really get into The Hobbit!), until my grandma got home. I then used her computer to look up the Apple AC adapter stuff, look the info page up in the Japanese store, then print it out. We faxed that to Kanda, who said she would try to get one in Akihabara today and get it sent our way. Until then I'm having to use this computer.... I'll live. I wont be on as much.... But I'll live.

THe whole Blogger in Japanese is bugging me though.... Why does it do that on this computer but not mine? Weird.... It:s not redirecting me eitehr... It's still It's jsut all in Japanese....


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