Thursday, March 02, 2006

An awesome book!

Yes, it's true.... I forgot to post Tuesday AND Wednesday.... Catching up shouldn't take long though...

Tuesday: Get up late... Something like 11:30. Ate lunch, went to class, came home, got online. That sums it up. I was chatting with Kento and playing boggle when I realized I forgot to post, but I also realized since I can say all I did in one sentence, maybe it wasn't terribly important.

Wednesday: Up for school, breakfast, go to school... Japanese, math, more Japanese (they did social studies, but I did Japanese), then some fun stuff! We made these "medals" for the first graders.... They're cardboard circles hanging on a ribbon... Not terribly exciting, but oh well. We decorated them, wrote messages.... I made one for Yuutaro. I wrote the WHOLE message in hiragana and a little kanji! I was proud of myself.... :p Sure, it was mostly about cows and takoyaki, but it's for Yuutaro, so that's OK. ;) I drew a mumbo (ocean sunfish) on the other side.... It's not as extravagant as some of the others, but oh well.
We worked on those for a while, had lunch, worked on them some more, then on a normal day we would be done. Or at least I would.... I always go home after 5th period, and usually everyone else does too.... But Wednesdays are long days. Usually I would go home anyway, but this was a special long day.... We had to practice our performance for the farewell party. Sixth graders graduate this month, you see.... Japanese school year apparently ends in March.
I stayed for practice, of course. It was fun. The other 6th grade classes were practicing too... We kind of went through the whole 6th grade section.... We got to watch the other classes, which was fun. Since we're 6-4, we're last.... Well, actually all the 6th graders are last, because they sing a song as a group.... I kind of just stand there. I try to sing what parts I've caught onto.... I'm pretty good at catching on to lyrics (I've been told it's amazing), but it's not as easy in another language.... I try though, and I can do some parts.... Probably not on my own, but sort of a keeping up with everyone else kind of thing......
After that we went home.... It was probably about 4:00 when I got home, an hour later than usual. Maybe a little later... I can't remember for sure. After that there's nothing worth mentioning... Same as any other day.

Thursday: That's today! Let's see.... Up, breakfast, walk to school. Yuutaro walked with some friends, so I was on my own today. Not that I really cared... Got to school, did some math, did some Japanese. Math was fun, because I got to make a tessellation! :) I need to start making those more often... They're so much fun! I made another dog one... But this one was just the head. The one I made back in 6th or 7th grade was also a dog... But it was the full dog. It could have been a goldfish too.... But I decided to make it a dog.
After that it was time to practice again! We went down to the gym and went through the 6th grade performances again. It seemed pretty good to me... Which is good, because we're doing it tomorrow!
After that they did something.... I'm still not totally sure what, but moral studies is what's written in my schedule. They watched a video.... Something about Hell, lots of people making scary sounds..... Then they read from a book, which apparently is what the video was of.... I don't know. I was confused, so I just sat there.... And was mildly freaked out by the sounds in the video.... Hell sounds scary. :p
Then it was lunch time.... Some brilliant thing known here as "Soup Spaghetti", except in katakana... :p It's just what it sounds like.... Spaghetti in soup. It was very good too.
After that it was down to the computer lab.... Slow computers galore! :p We played the typing game over the network again.... Some random punching of the keys 1, 2, and 3... And some other stuff too. There were some romaji practice things.... Which would have been fine, except that the kanji was too hard.... But I got some help. Mostly from the teacher, but once or twice from another student.... And they did do 1st grade kanji once, for me. :p It turns out that apparently I'm a human representation of Japan in the Olympics.... I kept getting 4th place. :p

Then I came home, had a snack, used the computer, read..... That would be where the title of this post comes from. I finished The Hobbit today, and it was AWESOME! :) Yes, I finally read it. Now for all those people bugging me to read LOTR... I'm starting it tonight. I haven't yet, but I will.
So I read for a while, talked to Kento and my dad for a few minutes (my dad is at Kento's apartment now...), used the computer more, had dinner. I watched the news in English... NHK news. Then I watched some CNN news too. That thing about the fugitive in Kentucky who was supposed to donate a kidney to his son.... That was sickening.
After the news I took a bath, and now here I am. So that's it.... I think I'm off to start LOTR now!


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